Training Overview / Protection Dog Handler / Advanced Protection Dog Handler / Patrol Dog Handler / Sniffer Dog Handler / Tracker Dog Handler / Firearms training / Dog Handlers Training / Dog Unit Commanders
Dog Handlers Training
The relevant Dog Handler training discipline in now fully integrated with the following Programmes:
• Facilitate learning using a variety of given methodologies (Facilitator)
• Conduct outcomes-based assessments (Assessor)
• Conduct moderation of outcomes-based assessments (Moderator)
During this Programme, the learner/trainee will have to prove his/her ability to facilitate any of the unit standards/outcomes listed using all/most of the given methodologies.
Entry requirement (All or at least one previously achieved):
• Patrol Dog handler
• Sniffer Dog Handler
• Tracker Dog
6-14 weeks
Tracker / Patrol / Sniffer Dog Handler